The Kingdom’s Vision 2030: The role of the Supply Resources Company Limited in achieving the strategic goals

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Supply Resources Company Limited has a strategic role in achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. The Kingdom’s Vision 2030 comes as a comprehensive plan to transform and develop the Saudi economy as a whole, and includes modernizing the infrastructure, diversifying the sectors of the economy, and developing human resources. The Kingdom’s Vision 2030 focuses on achieving sustainable development and achieving community well-being.

The role of the Supply Resources Company Limited in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030

Development of the industrial sector: Supply Resources Co. Ltd. contributes to the development of the industrial sector by providing effective solutions and services for various industries. The company applies the latest technologies and innovations in production and operation to enhance the efficiency of operations and improve the quality of products.

Achieving Environmental Sustainability: Resources Supply Company Limited focuses on achieving environmental sustainability through the use of limited resources in efficient and sustainable ways. The company relies on modern technology and innovation in its operations to reduce negative environmental impact and enhance environmental protection.

Developing local talents: Supply Resources Co., Ltd. works to develop local talents and develop national competencies. The company provides job opportunities, training and professional development for Saudi cadres, which contributes to enhancing human capabilities and developing skills in the country.

Cooperation with other companies: Supply Resources Co. Ltd. seeks to enhance cooperation and partnerships with local and international companies. The company aims to exchange knowledge, experiences and technologies with other companies, which contributes to promoting innovation and developing industries in the Kingdom.

Supply Resources Company Limited is an important strategic partner in achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. The company seeks to achieve sustainability and comprehensive development by employing modern technology and innovation in its operations. With its commitment to quality, sustainability and human resource development, Mawared Al-Imdad Company Limited contributes to building a strong and prosperous economy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.